
Kapara Sharing Menu

Come and join us for an unforgettable dining experience at Kapara in the Tel Aviv Fantasy hidden away in James court, Soho.

If you have any questions please feel free to call 020 8079 7467 and we’ll be happy to answer any queries.

Please follow this link for the Sharing Menu.

You can use this voucher during our opening times, please refer to our website for the latest information.

All vouchers are inclusive of VAT whilst a discretionary service charge will be added to your bill. 

This voucher is valid for 6 months after purchase.



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Kapara Sharing Menu at Kapara Restaurant gift voucher packaging

Packaging & Delivery

Your voucher has been beautifully designed, ready to be printed from your printer at home. Your voucher will be emailed to you or directly to the recipient, and can be presented on a smartphone to be redeemed.